It was May 2021 when the whole world was battling COVID and the sadness of losing their loved ones. I still remember the day quite vividly when my brother got Leo for us. He is our pet shitzu and trust me when I say that not just my family but anyone who meets him once tends to fall in love with my bundle of joy! Leo entered our lives as our child and soon changed us forever. He’s made sure that every day Shivam and I wake up early, taking him out for a walk both in the morning and evening, and of course pamper him to no end with his favourite food and toys. There is a yellow coloured ball that Leo literally guards with his life; he even takes it to bed with him at night! I always tell Shivam that Leo must have been an excellent football player in his previous life. He is really good at it because whenever we take him to the park, he is completely focused on watching the children playing football. If watching is not enough then we usually find him running towards the children and keeping one of his paws on the ball! It is an absolute delight for us to watch him enjoy himself.

Most days Leo goes to the office with either of us. There he is taken extremely good care of if we are caught up with a meeting or some work. Leo for sure is quite demanding but he has not only taught us to take a breather from work but also prepared us to create a balance between work and children we might have in the near future! I will just say that with Leo we have learnt to see and live life from a different perspective.

Sonal is wearing our Parthivi saree & jewellery styled with a blouse from her personal collection