The story behind our friendship is our most favourite one!
“I was the new kid on the block while Rakhee ji was a seasoned walker. Every morning we would cross paths with each other but pass by without a word.”
“Nisha ji is very shy!”
“Bilkul nahin, Rakhee ji! I keep pushing you for adventures all the time! After all I am the one who is both young at heart!”
“So one fine day, I stopped her on the way and decided to introduce myself. You won’t believe it but the very next day she stopped coming for walk altogether.”

“Rakhee ji thought she had hurt my feelings somehow by talking to me! After a week when I came back, our newfound friendship had vanished and she was studiously exercising away from our usual path. She didn’t talk to me until I bullied her into telling me the reason.”
“We had a hearty laugh and from that day onwards we have become inseparable! From being absolute strangers to now being each other’s strong support, we have come a long way!”
“Even today we cannot help but giggle whenever we tell this story to our family and anyone else who asks about our friendship! We are so glad that we found a friend in each other and our age difference has made this beautiful bond even stronger!”